Ethos & Values
Our school philosophy At Essendine Primary School, we believe that there should be no ceiling to achievement. We believe in mastery for all across the curriculum so that pupils can be ‘the best that they can be’. Mastery is the expectation that all children can achieve a high standard. The purpose of this is not to differentiate but to ensure that all children have grasped fundamental, necessary content. We support all pupils in achieving this through appropriate scaffolding and a flexible approach to teaching, alongside clearly defined priority content in our curriculum.
Our curriculum is designed to inspire inquisitive, resourceful and knowledgeable global citizens, and is representative of the modern society our children are growing up in. We aim to develop cultural capital and to underpin academic success through real-life, relevant experiences and a broad and balanced provision. We encourage personal growth through independent enquiry, discussion and reflection. We promote inclusivity through a balanced global perspective.
Curriculum design and teaching combine a systematic approach to identified concepts with wide-ranging opportunities for incidental learning. Teacher questioning probes and deepens thinking about concepts taught. Pupils are encouraged to develop a ‘growth mind set’. A growing mind thrives on challenge, so is not limited in any way by what we perceive our ability to be. Fear of failure is the biggest barrier to achievement. Therefore, we inspire pupils to become risk takers through problem-solving, to question wherever possible and to challenge themselves wherever they can. Alongside this, ‘attitudes for learning’ are embedded and used for setting targets to move pupils on and to become more reflective in their own learning.
These are:
Productivity – the amount of work produced in a lesson
Risk taking – trying new ways of working/methodologies
Presentation – how work is presented, reflecting pride
Application – using skills learnt in the previous lesson
Focus – level of concentration
Our values at Essendine
Collaborative: We believe that the ability to work with others on tasks is vital in a dynamic modern world bursting with ideas. Getting the best out of our peers is essential in ensuring success.
Inquisitive: Key to learning is curiosity; we equip our children to pursue lines of enquiry with the appropriate investigative skills.
Creative: Finding new solutions to old problems is key in our children's ability to innovate. We know that having the freedom to make mistakes often leads to greater success.
Reflective: Everything we do provides a valuable opportunity to grow and develop. It is through reflection and introspection we cultivate a growth mindset.
Adaptable: We don't know what jobs our children will be applying for in the future, so equipping our children with the ability to adapt to a variety of situations is absolutely vital to ensure they thrive in any environment.
Aspirational: Our children should leave Essendine with the firm belief that they can achieve anything they set their minds to. They will know that opportunities sometimes present themselves but when they don't, to forge their own path.
Respectful: Living in a city as wonderfully diverse as London means it is vital to respect all faiths, beliefs, genders and cultures. We treat everyone with respect as we would expect to be treated in turn.
Resilient: Adapting to change and developing a growth mindset is at the heart of our Essendine philosophy. Resilient people find ways to grow in everything they do, which we promote at Essendine.
Resourceful: We use all resources at our disposal to the best of our ability and in this way we maximise the potential for success in everything we do.