For Nursery pupils, please complete the following form and return it to the main school office.
There is no automatic transfer from Essendine Nursery Class to the Essendine Reception Class.
Westminster City Council co-ordinate the admissions to the Reception Classes of schools in Westminster and there is a separate application procedure.
To apply you must complete the Westminster Common Application Form online at
If you need further assistance, please contact the main school office (0203 329 0201).
Transition Process
We recognise that the transition from home to school needs to be handled with a positive regard for all children and their parents/carers. We appreciate every child as an individual in this process and recognise that they will have a differing level of need. We expect parents/carers to work in partnership with the EYFS teams during this time, and to continue to build on this early relationship as their child progresses through the Early Years.
Home Visits
All nursery children need to meet with the home school liaison officer and a EYFS staff member to complete an enrolment form and to be given their start date and settling in procedure.
If you already have a child in the school you will be given an appointment to come and fill in the forms in the HSL room.
Families that are new to the school will have a Home Visit by an EYFS staff member in
September before their child starts school where the enrolment form will be completed and start date and settling procedures will be discussed.
New Reception children to Essendine need to meet with the home school liaison officer and an EYFS staff member in the summer term prior to them starting in September, to complete an enrolment form and to be given their start date and settling in procedure.